The use of any services / information through the portal (website) is governed by the following terms and conditions as elaborated in the text below. In case the user is not in a position to understand / read or relate to these terms & conditions, it is advised that the user should not use the services / information through the portal (website)

Sign Up / Sign In

When you sign up with, you automatically authorize Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited to communicate with you through any kind of socially accepted media like email / letters / sms / text etc. in order to share information / promotional offers by Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited or it’s sister concern Foundation Society.

Content Exclusivity& Protection

We explicitly disclaim, and will not accept any responsibility for any of the following in respect of the sites that we link to:

All / any information, image, software programme, services (collectively, “content”) made available through in this Portal /Website are the sole proprietary of Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited until and unless it is exclusively mentioned / referred / acknowledged. None of the referred content should be copied, reproduced, replicated,  mirrored or transmitted in any form, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior express written permission of ‘Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited

We may allow institutional users to link on their webpages / portals in as it is condition, provided a written application is made for the same.

By using the services offered by this website / portal, the user certifies that the Disclaimers have been read and agreed in totality.

Use of this Website is at your own risk, and the Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited will not be held liable for any errors or omissions contained in this Website. In no event, shall Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits whether contract, negligence or any tort action arising out of, or in connection with, the use or performance of the information available from Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited


In no event and under no circumstances and under no legal theory, tort, contract, or otherwise shall ‘Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited‘ be liable, without limitation, for any damages whatsoever, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, arising out of any access to or any use of or any inability to access or use this website including any material, information, links, and content accessed through this website or through any linked external website.

User is supposed to provide / enter right full, relevant, authentic and useful information on the portal/ website while it’s services. The consequences out of any deviations in the above shall be solely the responsibility of the user.

Local Laws

Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited‘ controls and operates this portal / website from its head office in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India and makes no representation that the materials on the website are appropriate or available for use in other locations. If you use this Website from other locations, you are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws including but not limited to the export and import regulations of other countries. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, all marketing or promotional materials found on this Website are solely directed to individuals, companies or other entities located in India and comply with the laws prevailing for the time being in force in India. Disputes if any shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts at Raipur.

The portal /website could include unintended inaccuracies or typographical errors. ‘Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited‘ reserves the right to amend the text / information provided on the site at any moment without informing or intimating any one in particular or through public advertisement. Any changes or amendments in the product / price etc. are exclusively the prerogative of Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited.


Nothing on any information / content / product offered by Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited through website / portal shall be construed as conferring any license under any of Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited or any third party’s intellectual property rights, whether by estoppel, implication, or otherwise.


Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained on any communication / content presented by the website/portal.Any use / mention of non – Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited products/ services or that of solutions provided by a third party is provided for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation by Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited.

Testimonials /reviews expressed by the users are their own, Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited does not endorse the same. No claim as to the accuracy and correctness of the information on the site is made although every attempt is made to ensure that the content is not misleading. In case any inaccuracy is or otherwise improper content is sighted on the website, please report it to report abuse

‘Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited’ Disclaims all warranties as may be


All prices are subject to change from time to time and Myaglakadam Academy of Guidance and Counseling Private Limited Reserves the exclusive and nonnegotiable rights to do so on its own.

The user certifies that he/she is not a minor using the portal without a guardian / counselor’s direct support and intervention.

Transaction Failures: Payment Gateway is outsourced through Eazypay – ICICI Bank Ltd. In case there is any kind of transaction failure on account of whatsoever reasons, all resolutions shall be routed through services of ICICI Bank Ltd. and as per the terms & conditions of ICICI Bank Ltd.

Refund: As soon as the user has signed up for assessment, it is construed that the career advisory services have been delivered against the price paid by the user. As such there is no clause of refund as the product nature is information services.


Any instance of violation of any applicable law or regulation; any instances of construed apparent misrepresentation whatsoever, infringement of any kind of national or international proprietary / copyright on content / information  / trademark through this portal / website is purely unintentional and should be immediately brought to the notice through the contacts provided on the portal/website for review and consideration.

The use of this website i.e. – any time and anywhere constitutes a binding agreement by you to abide by these Terms.

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